domenica 17 aprile 2011

domain.xml damaged

Unfortunately today I went straight into an unexpected blackout. I didn't lost anything because I used to save my work very often, however when I switched back on my PC I discovered that Glassfish was not working anymore. By double-clicking on the Glassfish server in the Servers tab of Eclipse I discovered that the Server Port Number and Admin Server Port Number parameters were setted to the wrong values (8080111 and 4848111 respectively instead of 8080 and 4848). Trying to launch Glassfish I always received an error message, which was obviously that 8080111 was not a valid port in the range 1 - 65536. After an hour of investigation I discovered that the domain.xml file inside the glassfish/domains/domain1/config folder was completely corrupted. Luckily in the same folder there was a backup file called domain.xml.bak, so I just copy-paste the content inside the original file and everything worked again.

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