giovedì 14 luglio 2011

Project Done

The project is almost finished. There are some little details to fix, especially in the user interface, but the most of the work is done. I'll do obviously some testing in order to check the correct behavior of the application. Then I will package the final deliver, with the source code, the ear archive, the SQL scripts and the final relation.

giovedì 7 luglio 2011

Little Logout Issue

In a previous post I mentioned that the connection didn't switch back to HTTP after visiting confidential pages. However I expected that after the entire logout process the website would have switch the connection back to normal HTTP, after invalidating the session. Unfortunately, I was wrong. HTTPS was still present! What to do? Google is the answer! However I was not so lucky to find a solution, maybe the question was wrong, not the answer. So I managed to build a solution on myself, which is this one: in the Logout servlet I check if the request was made using HTTP using the method request.isSecure(). If so I invalidate the session and I redirect the user to an absolute url, which is built using this string:

"http://" + getServletContext().getInitParameter("domain") + request.getContextPath() + "/index.jsp"

Where the parameter "domain" is specified in the deployment descriptor as "mauricius-pc:8080".

sabato 2 luglio 2011

Few notes on SSL Security - Part II

Good practice would be to use Transport Layer Security also when user credentials are sent through the network. I searched for an easy way to implement it, directly using the j_security_check form, however, reading the following quote from the Java EE 6 tutorial I discovered that things are a little bit different:

"Form-based authentication is not particularly secure. In form-based authentication, the content of the user dialog box is sent as plain text, and the target server is not authenticated. This form of authentication can expose your user names and passwords unless all connections are overSSL. If someone can intercept the transmission, the user name and password information can easily be decoded.However, when a secure transport mechanism, such as SSL, or security at the network level, such as the IPSEC protocol or VPN strategies, is used in conjunction with form-based authentication, some of these concerns can be alleviated."

For this reason I decided to keep the authentication mechanism as it is.

venerdì 1 luglio 2011

Few notes on SSL Security

I decided to add support for a secure connection when sensible data is transmitted through the network. Secure data transport is typically implemented using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). HTTP is applied on top of the TLS/SSL protocol to provide both encrypted communication and secure identification of the server. The combination of HTTP with TLS or SSL results in an HTTPS connection, which can be identified in a browser's address bar (https://).

I discovered that Glassfish has a secure service enabled by default (working on port 8181). This service uses a self-signed certificate, which is quite enough for our development purposes. This will lead to some annoying messages in the browser, forcing us to confirm some security exceptions, but that's it. I decided to use HTTPS in the checkout process (because an e-commerce site like this, sometimes requires the user to insert his Credit Card number or other sensitive data, however this is not the case) and in the Registration process, when the user inserts his personal data (as well as his CC number).

The secure connection is defined using XML in the web deployment descriptor, as follows:


Wow, it works perfectly. Also it seems that the navigation doesn't switch back to HTTP once the user moves out from a protected page. Should I treat this as a problem? Maybe not.

I noticed on the website of the course that the exam is set for July, 6th, in the morning. Unfortunately, even if the project is almost finished (apart from some little details), I cannot be present on that date because I'm still working. I will join the September session.

martedì 28 giugno 2011

JSTL or Scriptlets?

Looking back at my code I disovered that I used both JSTL tags and scriptlet code, often mixing the two in a single page. I'm aware that this is not a good practice, however writing some sections of the code I was more comfortable using JSTL tags, while in other sections I just preferred writing scriptlet code. However the overall readability of the code is not so much affected. Maybe before the final deliver I will translate everything in JSTL (which seems the best solution), but as a friend told me: "Who cares? It works!

sabato 18 giugno 2011

Securing the Application

Back from holiday!!! Looking forward to finish the project. Time for a security section.

I decided to implement the basic form authentication, which appears to be the best solution in order to achieve authentication using the login form. Moreover it allows me to decide the appearance of the login form, in order to better suit the application which it belongs to.

The diagram that explains the authentication mechanism is visible in the next figure:

Form-based authentication diagram
The main point here is the keyword j_security_check which represents the destination in the servlet container that handles authorization and authentication. The action attribute of the HTML tag form must have this value.

More information about the form-based authentication is visible at the Java EE 6 tutorial:

Moreover I have to choose if I want to implement the security following a declarative paradigm or a programmatic paradigm.
  • With declarative security, all the security settings of the application (authentication requirements, roles, security controls...) are specified using annotations and/or deployment descriptors.Thus the security relies on the container for its management.
  • With programmatic security, the security is managed directly by entities, classes, servlets and page views. In other words, it is integrated inside the application.
Intuitively I will follow the first approach.

sabato 11 giugno 2011

Building the Shopping Cart

I finally arrived at a crossroad! The requirements for this project also include the use of Stateful Session Beans. Googoling around I discovered that Stateful Beans are often used for maintaining Shopping Carts, due to their ability to track the whole user session. I also found some tutorials on how implement them. Intuitively the implementation of a shopping cart can be made by using simply the HttpSession, however Stateful Beans have considerable advantages, as this link points out:

So I created a Stateful bean called ShoppingCart implementing the Remote interface ShoppingCartInterface. However I was not sure on how reference it in the servlets. I tried using the annotation @EJB to inject the bean, but it didn't work. Finally, digging out some stackoverflow questions, I found what I was looking for: and

I had to create an object ShoppingCart and save it in the HttpSession, in order to be used across requests. I decided to create an instance of ShoppingCart when the customer goes in the Management section of the application. So using these few lines of code:

ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart) session.getAttribute("cart");

if (cart == null) {
   try {
      Context ctx = new InitialContext();
      cart = (ShoppingCart) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/cart");
      session.setAttribute("cart", cart);

everything was magically working. 

venerdì 3 giugno 2011

Session Timeout

The application design is proceeding very well. I managed to finish it in a couple of weeks. Now I'm focusing on some little details, like the session timeout. This parameter can be configured in the web.xml deployment descriptor, as follows:


The value is expressed in minutes. It's clear that a low value (say 2-5 minutes) could affect the usability of the site and have a negative impact on the customer. On the other hand, a high value means a large number of sessions managed by the application server, that could possibly lead to high memory usage. Thus perfect value, in my opinion, is 10 minutes.

However here it comes another question: how can I handle situations in which a request is received for a session that has timed out or cannot be identified? The answer is simple: using a filter that intercepts all requests and checks if a session exists, and if not, it forwards the request to the index page. What is a filter? Here the answer:

domenica 29 maggio 2011

Back on work again!

Finally I'm back to work. I decided to dedicate myself to the user interface of the application, because I think this is not-so-challenging task. I'm still pretty busy with other exams, so I need something easy to fill my spare time. For this purpose I bought a little manual on CSS ( which hopefully will help me through the designing process. I'm aware that CSS is often bad interpreted on different browsers, especially in IE (wow!!! Really?), but I am not going to care so much about that fact: the design is working on my Firefox 3.6? Perfect! I'm done!

venerdì 29 aprile 2011

Temporary Suspension

Unfortunately I have to dedicate myself on other projects and exams, thus I planned to stop working on this project. I hope to restart soon. See ya!

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

JPA and Many-to-Many relationships

I spent a few days in order to clearly comprehend how JPA really works. In particular I was hesitant about the relation between the User table and the Instructor/Customer tables. After generating the Entity classes from the tables using the guided procedure on Eclipse I discovered that the User entity had a many-to-many relation with Customer and a many-to-many relation with Instructor. I was not sure if it was correct and how I had to manage it, however it turned out that everything was correct and the matter was simpler than I could ever expected.

The relation was clearly many-to-many due to the connection tables user_customer and user_instructor. For this reason the User entity has a Set of Customer entity and a Set of Instructor entity in it. So accessing one of the two, after retrieving the User from the DB using the email as PK, was quite a joke:

User user = em.find(User.class, email);
Customer customer = user.getCustomers().iterator().next();

Et voilà! I have my Customer entity ready for use.

Here are some useful links on the subject:

domenica 17 aprile 2011

domain.xml damaged

Unfortunately today I went straight into an unexpected blackout. I didn't lost anything because I used to save my work very often, however when I switched back on my PC I discovered that Glassfish was not working anymore. By double-clicking on the Glassfish server in the Servers tab of Eclipse I discovered that the Server Port Number and Admin Server Port Number parameters were setted to the wrong values (8080111 and 4848111 respectively instead of 8080 and 4848). Trying to launch Glassfish I always received an error message, which was obviously that 8080111 was not a valid port in the range 1 - 65536. After an hour of investigation I discovered that the domain.xml file inside the glassfish/domains/domain1/config folder was completely corrupted. Luckily in the same folder there was a backup file called domain.xml.bak, so I just copy-paste the content inside the original file and everything worked again.

venerdì 8 aprile 2011

JDBC Realm in Glassfish

Following the Java EE 6 Tutorial I discovered how to secure the Application Server.
In particular I need an authentication mechanism for identify the users and give access to specific resources. In my project there are 3 kinds of users: customers, instructors and the agency (or the admin/superuser in this case). This means that we have 3 different roles with different privileges. The declaration of a role is defined in the web.xml file, in the following way:

   <description>User role</description>

The mapping between users and roles is specified in the sun-web.xml file, as following:


For my requirements the better solution is to configure a realm, which is a complete database of users and groups that identify valid users of a web application and are controlled by the same authentication
policy. Configuring a JDBC Realm on Glassfish is pretty simple. I followed this link, which is a bit old, but is suitable for our purposes. In the administration console of Glassfish we have to go on Configurations, Security and Realms, then we can add a new Realm.

These are the values of my SnowInstructionsRealm:

Realm Name: SnowInstructionsRealm
Class Name:

JAAS Context: jdbcRealm
JNDI: jdbc/snowinstructions
User Table: user
User Name Column: email
Password Column: password
Group Table: user
Group Name Column: groupid
Digest Algorithm: none

It's important to note that the credentials of users and the corresponding role are saved inside the same table (user). Also each user can be mapped only to one group (which are agency, instructor, customer), which is the better choice in this case. Moreover the password are stored in clear inside the database (Digest Algorithm is set to none) in order to simplify the project in the initial phases. Maybe before the final deliver I will add the MD5 support. If you don't insert any value this option will be the default one.

domenica 27 marzo 2011

Glassfish + MySQL JDBC Connection Pool

I used MySQL Workbench 5.2 ( in order to create the Database. Next step was to use the Glassfish Administration console to configure a JDBC Connection Pool and JDBC Resources. I followed the tutorial visible at this page

These are my values:

JDBC Connection Pool
Pool Name: SIPool
Resource Type: javax.sql.DataSource
Database Vendor: MySQL

Additional Properties
portNumber: 3306
databaseName: sidatabase
serverName: localhost
user: root
password: root
URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sidatabase
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sidatabase

By clicking on the Ping button I received the Ping Succeeded Message meaning that my connection was correctly configured.

Then I created a JDBC Resource using the JNDI Name jdbc/snowinstructions referring to the Connection Pool created before (SIPool).

Note that we need to have the mysql-connector-java-bin.jar ( library inside the glassfish/lib folder in order to get everything right.

lunedì 21 marzo 2011

Database Structure

This is the structrure of the Database. It's possible to see the tables and the relations between them.

giovedì 10 marzo 2011

IDE and Application Server choice

For the project I decided to use the Eclipse IDE with Glassfish 3.1 and MySQL as RDBMS. The main reason for this choice is because I used them on the Service Oriented Architecture course and so they were already configured on my machine. I always had problems with Java EE application servers on my laptop (which is 64 bit) due to various bugs and other crap, so I decided to keep this configuration which is pretty stable at the moment. Let's hope it lasts!

martedì 8 marzo 2011

Business Flow

In order to point out the relations between the mockup pages and also to understand the functionality of each page, I prepared a business diagram which demonstrates the process flow of the application. It displays the visual and functional components on each page and highlights the primary actions available for the user in order to complete the purchase process.

I also created the application logo using Photoshop. It's the nice and simple writing on the index page!

lunedì 7 marzo 2011

Use Case Diagram

Here it is! A basic Use Case diagram which lists the main actors (Agency, Instructor, Customer) and their associated actions. I'm not sure if this Use Case will be the definitive one. We'll see!

mercoledì 2 marzo 2011

Use Case and Mockups

In order to gain a clearer picture of the overall website on how it has to look and behave, I wrote a simple Use-Case that describes how the application will be used by a customer:

The Customer wants to book the instructors for him and his family during their winter holyday. For this reason he searches the website of the local skiing agency in order to find an email address or a telephone number. Surprisingly he finds that it’s possible to book directly online the instructors, for his preferred period of the winter season. Thus from the welcome page he decides to register on the website and to take advantage of the service. He has to provide some of his personal data, included his bank account number (or his credit card number). After the registration process he is able to book the hours, choosing the date, the preferred time, the discipline, the number of people and the preferred instructor. This reservation is added to his shopping cart. The customer decides to add another extra hour only for himself so it repeats the previous process adding the reservation to his shopping cart. The subtotal is obviously updated. He finally decides to proceed to checkout. In the checkout page, customer views the total cost and the summary of his order. If he agrees to the skiing agency policy then the order is processed and the customer is taken to a confirmation page which provides some additional information on his order.

I also started to create mockups for static pages of the website, accessible directly from the address bar of the browser and without the login process. For those who ignore what a mockup is, here a useful link

martedì 22 febbraio 2011

Starting the Web Architectures Project

The Application Domain of my project is a Web Portal for booking and managing ski instructors. It should provide services for the instructors, for their agency, for tourists, but also for hotels that want to offer this feature to their guests.

From now on the project will be identified with the name "Snow Instructions".

In order clarify the domain, it's useful to illustrate the scenario of the application. This operation is particularly important because allows us to identify the main requirements before the design or implementation phases.

"The skiing agency based in Val di Fassa which offers skiing lessons during the winter season, wants to provide an online booking service to its customers, allowing them to view, book and pay for lessons hours. The service will be represented by a website, intuitively in the form of a standard e-commerce site, on which the agency, the instructors, the customers (the tourists) and the hotels can operate in different manners and with different privileges."

In the next post I will illustrate the main actors and their associated actions using a simple Use Case Diagram.